I know American Thanksgiving isn't for another couple of days, but we are off to Fiji (!!!) tomorrow morning to celebrate my 30th birthday and will have minimal internet access. And although I am really looking forward to Fiji, I really miss Thanksgiving.
Back in October Rob told you about all the things he's thankful for, so now it's my turn!
Megan is thankful for:
1. This opportunity - in theory I worked really hard for years and earned this transfer to New Zealand in blood, sweat and tears. In practice, I did work hard, but I also got really, really lucky. That a position with my exact job description opened up two days before I sent over my resume was incredibly fortuitous. In the end all I had to do was ask for it and it was mine. I feel so fortunate every day.
2. A husband who upon hearing "Hey - you know how we have a fabulous life surrounded by the best friends you could ask for and live in one of the best cities in the world in a beautiful apartment? What do you say we give all that up to live in a shoe box on the other side of the world where we don't know anyone?" responded with an enthusiastic, "When do we move?"
3. All of the technology that allows us to keep in touch with the aforementioned friends. I don't know what I would do without FaceTime, gchat, Facebook, email and even this blog.
4. The friends and family who are patient enough to communicate with us using these methods - especially given the complications caused by the time difference. You all keeping in touch means the world to us!