We are thrilled to tell you that we are moving to Auckland, New Zealand this August!!
After a month of interviews and anxiety attacks, Megan finally received an official offer from her firm's Auckland office this week. Rob interviewed with the same firm in Auckland last week, and is hoping to hear some good news soon.
Neither one of us has ever been to New Zealand, so as far as adventures
go, this is a pretty big one, but after months of research, questions
and lots of late night talks, we are confident that we are ready. That
said, if you have been to New Zealand and you have any tips you want to
share, please do!
Our last day at our Chicago jobs is August 1st, and we will be departing for Auckland early the following week (gotta get in one last Chicago summer weekend). Of course, all of this timing is dependent on New Zealand immigration accepting our visa applications (which work is helping with and which hopefully should not be an issue). Either way, August will be here before we know it!
New Zealand is pretty far away, and we will miss you all terribly, but
trust that you won't forget about us just because we moved to the other side of the world. We created this blog to help us keep in touch with everyone. Over the next few months, there won't be much action here, but we will be documenting the visa application process. In the meantime, we invite you to check out our FAQs and Why New Zealand? pages to learn a bit more about what we're doing and why we're doing it.